The NT Intervention / Stronger Future laws will end soon. Will the Intervention after 15 years come to its close? What should happen next?

About this event

As the laws enter the last few months of implementation it is time to look to what has been the legacy, what lessons can be learnt and where to in the future. First Nations speakers will speak of their experience of living under these racist laws for so many years.

In 2010 AIDA (Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association) stated – “It is predicted that it (the Intervention) will leave a negative legacy on the psychological and social wellbeing, on the spirituality and cultural integrity of the prescribed communities…. “It is simply not possible to fight oppression with oppression”.

Sadly, now in the Intervention’s 15th year this observation has proven accurate. The Intervention/Stronger Futures legislation has been an abject failure, with living conditions and health negatively impacted since its introduction.

Over the 15 years First Nations Peoples of the NT have made pleas to the United Nations and Canberra/National law makers through writings, forums and broadcasts. Successive Australian governments have been condemned by the UN for the racist nature of the laws and the widespread detrimental impact they have caused. Australia stands condemned for its treatment of First Nations Peoples and the Intervention laws expose how disastrous the results of locking out First Nations voices from laws imposed upon them are. 15 wasted years!

It’s high time this draconian legislation ended!

It’s time for people living under these laws to have their voices heard!

It is imperative that the government is held to account for this abject failure of policy. As the Intervention/Stronger Futures laws are scheduled to end in June this year we must ensure that these policies will not get extended and never return.

Now is the time to ensure that future decisions made regarding First Nations Peoples in the Northern Territory will have the full free, prior and informed consent of the people affected and are consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

This Forum is an opportunity to stand in solidarity with First Nations Peoples of the Northern Territory and hear their voices!

For important background information, see the open letter sent to the Hon. Ken Wyatt AM MP by the Intervention Rollback Action Group in 2019, Stand Up 2017 report from the Alice Springs conference, Statement of Eminent Australians and Statement by the Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation.

This event is being organised by Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney and will be available online.

Event details

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM ACST